Sunday, February 16, 2014

TRADE - First Resource 13 Feb 2014

I have to admit here. This First Resource trade was a mistake. Had wanted to short Semb Marine during my break time. Keyed in orders in IG Markets, and then realized it was unborrowable. Sort of panicked and then tried to recall which stock broke its support recently and was doing a weak throwback. First Resource came to my mind, and I just queued @ $2.05 in the morning of 13 Feb. In the end, it choose this day to do a throwback with high volume. $2.05 was a level that it had not throwback to during the previous few days. That's why I queued there, not really expecting the trade to be triggered, and definitely not expecting it to have a strong throwback on the day that my trade was triggered!

Now, I am waiting for my chance to wriggle myself out of this trade. But the inside day with low volume on 14 Feb is making me uncomfortable! Seems like still can continue to throwback! I think my closure of the CDL trade on 14 Feb had something to do with this losing trade. Am I allowing my losses some room; while quick to take profits off the table? Cut my profits short, and let my losses run?

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