Monday, January 20, 2014

SIA Engineering 20 Jan 2014

Looks like gonna reach the critical point soon. Will this triangular pattern break decisively? Up or Down? I had traded this stock in Aug 2013 period. It was a losing trade that I held on to. My ego got the better of me. I wanted to be proven right. I even made the mistake of adjusting my stop loss. My losses grew and I sort of entered the frozen zone. This trade has to come after a series of winning trades. Yaya papaya! Did I learn my lesson and correct my behaviour? Time will tell.

Previously, when SIA Engineering cross its 50-200 SMA, it was always decisive and it would not criss-cross so soon again. Well, I was wrong this time as obviously, the 50 SMA moved above the 200 SMA again. But judging by it, looks like its gonna cross down again soon. Is it a coincidence that the potential crossing point is at/ near the apex of this triangular pattern?

I hope to be right this time as this could be a potential big move and a banker!

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